Hay Lakes' Riders

Events and Performance Event Rules

President's Message
Queen Competition
Miss Hay Lakes Riders
Executive and Board of Directors
Gymkhana Events and Performance Event Rules
Up Coming Events
Forms and Applications
Past Representatives
2018 Year End Results and Records
Hay Lakes Riders Record Times
2019 Present Standings
Year End Wind Up Photos

Show Events


The Show Committee will use the Equine Canada (formerly Canadian Equine Federation) rules as a guide for the set up and management of the Performance Classes.
Competitors will be divided into the following age Divisions with an effective date of January 1st of the current year: Pee Wee, has not attained 10th birthday; Junior, has not attained 14th birthday; Intermediate, has not attained 18th birthday; and Adult, 18 years of age and over.
Horses which are 5 years of age and younger may be ridden in snaffle bit or bosal and the rider will use two hands on the reins, horses 6 years and older may only be ridden in full bridle and the rider may use only one hand on the reins.
All patters shall be posted conveniently for study by contestants 1 hour prior to the start of the class.
Running martingales, draw reins and tie downs are not allowed in Performance Classes and doing so will result in no points being awarded in the class.
Showmanship at Halter
Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate, Adult
The Showmanship class shall be judged strictly on the exhibitor's ability to fit and show a horse at halter.  The horse is merely a prop to demostrate the ability and preparation of the exhibitor.
The ideal showmanship performance consists of a posied confident neatly attired exhibitor leading a well groomed and conditioned horse that quickly and efficienty performs the requested pattern with prompness. smoothness and precision.
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 20 with 1/2 points increments acceptable.  Ten points should be allocated toward the overall appearance of exhibitor and horse and 10 points allocated toward performance.
Exhibitors will recieve a score from the Judge which will then be converted by the Show Secretary to a total out point of 80 point to maintain consistency in scoring.
Western Equitation
Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate, and Adult
Riders will be judged on seat, hands, performance of horse, appointments of horse and rider, and suitability of horse to rider.
Results as shown by performance of the horse are NOT to be considered more important that the method used in obtaining them.
Riders enter the ring at a walk or jog and are judged at a flat-footed four-beat walt, two beat jog and a three-beat lope both ways of the ring.
If a pattern is used it shall be performed at a threee-beat lope both ways or the ring.
Pee Wee competitors do not lope and are allowed to use two hands on the reins.
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 80 points, with minus points being incurred for each in fraction.
Western Pleasure
Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate and Adult
A good pleasure horse has a free-flowing stride of reasonable length in keeping with his conformation.  He should cover a reasonable amount of ground with little effort; ideally, he should have a balanced, flowing motion.  He should carry his head and neck in a relaxed, natural position, with his poll level with or slightly above the level of the withers, He should be shown on a reasonably loose rein, but with light contrat and control.  He should be responsive, yet smooth in transitions when called for.
Maximum credit should be given to the flowing, balanced and willing horse which gives the appearance of being far and a pleasure to ride.
Thi class will be judged on the performance, condition and confirmation of the horse; however, a minimum of 20% of the judging shall be placed on condition and confirmation.
Pee Wee competitors do not lope and are allowed to use two hands on the reins.
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 80 points, with minus points being incurred for each infraction.
Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate, Adult
The Trail Horse Class is the performance of a safe, sensible, well-mannered horse over a course of obstacles.
This class will be judged on the performance of the horse over the obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider, and quality of movement.
Pee Wee competitors will proceeds through an open gate, and do not lope in the class.
Each course will include the following obstacles: gate, bridge, walk over, back, walk, jog, and lope (except Pee Wee).  Additional obsticles may be added to courses at the discretion of the show management.
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 80 points, with minus points being incurred for each infraction.
Pee Wee, Junior
The horsemanship class is to determine the riding ability of the rider.  Riders will be judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show the horse.
Results as shown by performance of the horse are NOT to be conditered more important than the method used by the rider.
Each rider will work a pre-set pattern, diagrams to follow, to determine the horsemanship ability of the rider.
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 80 points, with minus points being incurred for each infraction.
Intermediate, Adult
To rein a horse is not only to guide it, but to control its every movement.  The best reined horse should be willingly guided or controllled with little or no apparent resistance and dictated to completely.  Any movement on its own must be considered lack of control.  All deviations from the exact written pattern must be considered a temprary loss of control; and a fault that must be marked down according to sevetrity of deviation.  After deducting all faults against the execution of the pattern and the horse's overall performance, credit should be given for smoothness, finesse, attitude, quickness and authority of performing various maneuvers, while using controlled speed.
There will be 3 official patterns which will be rotated beginning with Pattern #1, Pattern # 2, Pattern # 3, the rotation will then re-start with Pattern #1.  Pattern # 1 was used in 2008.
2009 Pattern #2                    2010 Pattern #3
2011 Pattern #1                    2012 Pattern #2
Exhibitors will be scored by the Judge from 0 to 80 points, with minues points being incurred for each infraction.

Gymkhana Events

Barrel Racing
Barrel Racing is when a rider must round three barrels without knocking them over.  The Barrel Racer must complete a clover leaf pattern in the fastest time.
1. Barrels are to be set 15 feet from the respective fences or accommodate arena.  Score line 20 feet.  Indoor arena score line 20 feet.  At least 20 feet stopping space.  Barrel distance 50 feet by 100 feet.
2.  Barrels and starting line must be permanently staked for entire contest.
3. Either barrel 1 or 2 may be taken first but contestan will be disqualified for not following the prescribed cloverleaf course.
4.  Whistle will not be blown until riders are in arena and gates are closed.

Pole Bending
The rider must race down the row of poles, weave through the poles twice then race back down the row of poles without knocking any down.
The corse consists of six (6) poles in a straight row spaced 21 feet apart with star and finish line 20 feet from first pole.  Upon signal from starter, rider start fram a running start races to the sixth pole, and pases successive pole on alternate sides, turns the first pole and returns in the same manner.  After tunring the sith pole the second time, rider races to finish line.  This course may be run from either left or right but contestant will be disqualified for not following prescribed weaving pattern.

Deedra Wolski - Sierra

Flag Picking
This is where the horse and rider enter the arena, pick four flags in sequence and place them in the barrel at the end of the arena.  Once the pattern is complete the pair must race past the finish line.
1.Cource to be set with four flags, our feet long, set in holders in a straight line 10 feet apart.
2. The container barrle with sand approximately 4 inches in the bottom is to be set 50 feet away from flags and 20 feet from the start line.
3. Rider is timed from when crossing the starting line and races past empty barrle to first flag, picking it up and depositing it in the barrel, the second flag is then picked and deposited, and so on cosecutivly with all four flags.
4. Flags must be picked in sequence, with the closest flag being number 1.

Stake Race
This race is one of agility, the horse and rider must enter the arena cross the center line and face the entrance of the arena.  Hores and rider must cross the center line turning as fast as possible, heading for the tope pole.  The team must turn the top pole and head for the bottome pole, they must also turn that pole and one last time head for the first, top pole once more, after rounding the top pole a second time must head for home.

1. Stakes to be set 100 feet apart wiht start and finish line being same midway between set of stakes.
2. From a starting signal, horse to cross the starting line with all four feet before making a right hand turn.
3.Proceed to a left hand turn around the first stake, righ thand turn around second stake, left hand turn around the first stake, then racing to the finish line.
4. The course may be run from either a left or right turn at the starting line, but with proper sequence in the figure eight must be completed.

Keyhole Race
This race s designed for the ridding youth, and meant to replace the Flag race for speed event for youth in competition.
Lead Line, Pee Wee, and Juniors all compete in this event.  The idea is to ride your horse into the keyhole marked on the ground turn and race out without hitting the white lines of the Keyhole.
1.Draw a circle of lime on the ground 20 feet in diameter with a slot four feet wide and 10 feet long.
2. The starting line is set back 100 feet from the mouth of the slot.  A rider is timed from when crossing the starting line, through the slot, turning in the keyhole and running to the same line ot  finish.

Alyvia Featherstone

Equipment:  The barrles shall be steel 45 gallon drums with rubber approx. 2" X 6" foam padding placed on the top rim of the barrel.


DISQUALIFICATION:  Knocking over barrel, Going off Course, Crossing start finish line before completion of course.

Deedra Sederiuk

Equipment: Six Poles made of plastic 6 feet long, set in torque convertors (6).


DISQUALIFICATION:  Knocking over a pole, Being off Course, Crossing finish line before completing the course. **A Knockdown shall be assessed if, at the end of the run, the end of the pole is 4 feet or less from the ground.

Equipment: Flags shall be 4 foot stakes which are 1 inch in diameter with a 4 inch by 6 inch triangular flag attached 12 inches below top. The flag holders shall be either flat or rounded.  The flag barrel shall be approximatly 2 feet in diameter.  There shall be approximatly 4 inches of dirt in the bottome of the flag barrel.


DISQUALIFICATIONS:  Not ging around flag or barrle, not picking flags in proper order, crossing finish line before course is finished.   Knocking barrle over, knocking flag over, dropiing flag, going around flag or barrel more then once on each flag, hitting horse wiht the flags.

Equipment:  Stakes (2) shall be 6 feet high, set in torque convertors (2).


DISQUALIFICATIONS:  Knocking over a stake, Going off course.  ** A knock down shall be assessed if, at the end of the run, the end of the pole is 4 feet or less from the ground.

Equipment:  Lime, tape measure


DISQUALIFICATION:  A judge must be directly behind the keyhole.  udges decsion will be final.  Going off course- horse stepping on or over any part of lime keyhole.

We welcome all new members and ideas. For more information on this riding club please contact  Cheryl Wagar 780-719-5578 or email cwagar3@yahoo.com