Family Membership: $55.00 HLR membership
Single Membership: $30.00 HLR membership
Affilate Membership: $ 5.00 HLR membership
Memberships cover all events with the exception of clinics, shows, trophy days and Jackpots.
Age Divisions:
Lead Line: Any age rider that is accompanied by a horse handler. Not eligible for EGA Recording
times or EGA points.
Pee Wee: 10 years and under - Has not attained their 10th birthday by January 1st
of the current year.
Junior: 11 to 14 - Has not attained their 15th birthday by January 1st of
the current year.
Intermediate: 15 - 17 - has not attained their
18th birthday by January 1st of the current year.
Ladies 18 to 49 - Any Lady that has not attained their 50th birthday by January
of the current year.
Men 18 to 49 - Any man that has not attained their 50th birthday by January of
the current year.
Seniors: 50 years and over.